Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"Witches of East End": The Rare Time the Adaptation is Better than the Original

I honestly stumbled on this book by accident, since, if you've been following me, I've been reviewing quite a few books that have been giveaways. However, I am on a Netflix kick right now and, wouldn't you know it? The complete 2 season run of Witches of East End was on there. 

And I got hooked. 

And it ended on a damn cliffhanger.

And it's cancelled. 

So, the next logical thing to do was to start another show on Netflix to fill the void and to see if the books would bring me the same enjoyment as the series did. 

If you can believe it...I actually like the show more than I like the books. Granted, I watched the series first, but still. The book is good, but, like any adaptation, parts of the book are drastically different than that of the series. The plot in the book was interesting, but I just felt like the show did a better job of giving the audience a story to latch on to. 

In addition, the progression of the book was extremely weird. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it was as if the author was pulling ideas and explanations out of thin air and just having the characters accept it. There was no real foreshadowing or anything. As the reader you were just like "oh okay, that makes sense" and moving along. It happened way too often which is why it was a red flag to me. 

There's also a thing about where these witches come from that throws you off. You initially believe "oh hey, they're witches" because the book is called WITCHES of East End but they touch on the fact that they might, in fact, be something else. They flip flop between the two so much that I wonder how the characters can even be classified as witches. I don't know, there's no good way to describe it without giving things away. All I know is that I was not this conflicted with the show's explanation. 

If I had to choose between reading the books and watching the show, I recommend just bypassing the novel and going headfirst into the show. The novel just fell flat for me compared to the live adaptation, which drew me in and had me invest in characters (which is why I'm still upset that it got cancelled). However, if you finished the show and still need a witch fix, you should check out this novel. 

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